Barricades di Franck Vigroux: il video teaser

Ormai l’artista francese qui è di casa. Questo è il teaser di Barricades, che uscirà il 4 dicembre per Erotox Decodings. Nel comunicato stampa Vigroux dice: “I recorded it all in stereo, just two tracks, I think that because of that it carries the rawness of a ‘live’
recording to me. It’s the method that I’ve adopted to work by these days”. A livello d’ispirazione, pare che a colpire Franck siano state le iniquità sociali viste nelle varie città toccate dai suoi tour: “I think the title ‘Barricades’ is a subtle salute to all those who attempt to and have attempted to resist, take risks and think differently. A radical movement that comes to mind is one that is the 1871 Paris Commune. Barricades is an old French word literally meaning ‘walls created by barrels’ which is a metaphor for describing the complicated and obstructive problems we’ve introduced and hide behind in the world we live in today”.